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Josep Borrell EU debates at Headquarters of EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI the extension until 2023
Josep Borrell visited the Headquarters of EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI in Rome
Josep Borrell visited Italy to boost Co-Operation Irini
Josep Borrell eudebates Security and Operation Irini at the Press Conference of Defence Ministers
Statement by HRVP Borrell on Operation IRINI to enforce Libya arms embargo
HR/VP Josep Borrell visits Operation IRINI
Borrell met Lorenzo Guerini. Italian-German MoD’s seek to Bolster Military Cooperation with Libya
31.03.2020 - Josep Borrell - Operation Irini / Operation Sophia / Waffenembargo Libyen (engl./frz.)
EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI_Visit of Slovenian CHOD Maj Gen. GLAVAS 201221
Merry Christmas from all the women and men of the Op. EUNAVFOR MED IRINI -
The Mediterranean Sea and International Security: Operation IRINI and Beyond
The Military Mobility Project: Moving Mountains for Europe’s Defense